A 0 ︎︎︎ 1 Project

Tourlane Suite

Project Overview:
Tourlane Suite is the very first step to create an all-in-one system, which integrates all exsiting external tools and services in one place, for every agent to manage their day-to-day routines, from customer engagement, trip consultation, booking communications, to create a perfect trip for our customers.
This projects requires a lot research and analysis on both user and tech side, therefore early involvements and collaboration from design and back-end team was planned.

By initiating this project, we help Tourlane move one step closer to offering a unified tooling strategy for future customers with:

1. One login instead of entering credentials into multiple tools
2. Intuitive interface tailored to the experts needs, where all important day to day work elements can be accessed, which will eliminate navigating between different software tools and reducing the process and information overload.
3. Easier onboarding due to easy access to all the software tools needed on a daily basis.

1. 85% of agent time spent in the united tool (on the platform), instead of switching around among different tools currently they are using.
2. Better agent experience as some manual work gets removed
3. Improved agent onboarding (Qualitative survey)

How might we improve their work flow and reduce significantly agents time waste on a daily basis?

As the only UX designer and Researcher, I partnered with Product Lead to initiate project start and milestone planning.

Research Plan

Research Background
By defining problems in a broader way can help us navigate and prioritise (design) requirements for the whole project of “One Expert (for Sales Agent)“ better from the beginning, instead of providing only current solutions to the MVP.

    1. Survey (Online)
    2. One on One Interview(Remote)

Research Objectives
  1. Map out using a flow chart presenting how currently Sales Agent work, with slightly more highlight on how used tools related and interact with each other.
  2. Find out the most struggled part/pain points in the journey
  3. Explore and propose in which way we can the best improve their workflow, to eventually help in the main but out of MVP scope KPIs:
  •     Increase Opportunities per Agent
  •     Increase Revenue per Agent
  •     Reduce Time First Call to Offer Sent)

Research Findings & Insights

A Tailored Journey Map

Conceptual Wireframe Iterations

Based on Research we know that:

  1. the Core of Agents’ work flow is the Opportunity Page of every customer; every entry of action connects and affects (on information level) on Sales Agents’ day-to-day work.
  2. Calls are the fundamental start of every opportunity.
  3. Pipelines represents “goals” to agents; therefore it plays an essential role for agents to measure their success.
  4. Feeling of Sharing and connecting to the team is mentally and cultrally appreciated by the Sales Department.

Henceforth the design of Dashboard, as entry point to every possibility, as Homepage, as Base to start, is created with the following pages connected.

Validation- Feedback Session

As a project building from completely scratch, early engagement of users are valueble in order to reduce the risk of back and forth; to validate early in the process, we have a couple of Feedback Sessions with users (sales agent) after every design iteration.

The first one was conducted right after the 1st proposal of design, after reviewed by the team with all the possible concerns addressed. A prioritisation is made partner with Product Manager here after the feedback summary was conducted.

Challenges and Reflection

How Might We  conduct research and validation with full remote settings and limited numbers of data/users available?

How Might We define a better design scope, while remaining flexibility for team or structural change on organization level, in accordance with longer-term product roadmap?

Key Takeaways

*  Great to think about the vision/best scenario at first place for design; while building up first viable version and iterate from there is crucial

*  Transformed and built relationship; from stakeholder as user→ stakeholder as partner.


“ It was genuinely great working with you too. Also I felt like you were really switched on with figuring stuff out.“
--- Adam Misrahi, Backend team

“Thank you for all your great work! The suite looks like it looks today because of your awesome research and input!“   
        --- Michelle Ohlendorf, PM/ Product Area Lead

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