TargomoLOOP - Location Intelligence
Targomo is a Location Intelligence Startup in Berlin. I joined them end of 2018 as the Solo Designer, worked closely with developers, data scientists, as well as a product manager.
During the 7 months, we built up scrum practice in the team and successfully brought the first version of our main product- TargomoLOOP into market (launched in May, 2019).
“The most challenging part of designing a powerful map-based location service is:
You have to consider all possible information at once, yet prioritize it's visualization by use cases in the journey.”
The Challenge
In order to know what user need, when, and how to best present the Location Data Insight, we based firstly on existing client requests to generate practical use cases.By doing this, we took not only into account the functionalities needed, but also the business profitability; In order to meet the goal of launching product in time, we included flexible User Testing with prospect clients during product development, iterated and verified our hypothesis as quick as possible.
Successful results
- We engaged potential clients in the very early stage, which makes client management starts earlier and much easier!
- By aiming directly specific business helps product development in early stage more “niche”.
Design Process
Together with the Product manager, we initiate the Scrum Practice at Targomo with a 2-week cycle. Day-to-day Colloboration
Product Priorities ︎︎︎ Planning & Objectives ︎︎︎ Design iterations --> User Testing with Prospect Clients
Normally we designed together the priorities within Product Team together, based on the product prioritization, I have to come up with my own design plan, set my sprint goals, as well as decide if we need further testing at certain point.
From time to time, discussing with developers whenever an issue is encountered, and correspondingly find an alternatives is often part of my responsibilities.
Impact in the Company
1. A new and structured way in Product team Together with the Product manager, we initiate the Scrum Practice at Targomo with a 2-week cycle.
In order to help the company switch our main focus from Technical APIs as a service to Generic Product, at the same time having developers collaborate with design iterations, instead of only responding to clients' need by request for single customized solution, a different way of team working is urgently needed.
Therefore, we need a new way of collaborating with each other: a new and structured way in Product team, through which product owner, developers, and me as the designer knows where we are together in the product roadmap; meanwhile, by regularly talking to Business representatives as well as founder, we aligned their business vision, market trends, user needs, down aligned together to the product plan.
2. An structural change in the product system.
Moving from old API focused service towards a generic account for user to explore various product in our platform, a well-guided navigation connecting different services is more than crucial. Besides, considering various role in user scenarios (administrator, team members, or even managers in the team), the need of different level of accessibilities has to be clearly defined.
At end, a "dashboard" taken into account multiple roles interacting in the system,integrating the management control as well as user landing page in One is built.
3. A more intuitive user behavior
Previously before I joined, it was mainly developer building up features by applying existing modules of components.
To (1) enhance user experience in our platform and at the same time (2) ease the user pain and technical frustrations, we looked back again into processes in each use case and find out opportunities to improve the way how people can do each tasks easier and smoother.
We made the upload pop-up from [select a file from computer] and [taking somewhile checking if it's duplicated after uploads], to simply drag-n-drop with a side panel of existing shared user uploads from the team. So that we
prevent user from waiting long for system checking, at the same time, and
lower the burden of front-end page and backend capacity receiving duplicate uploads.
“A good design solution is not about brand new creations;
in this real example,
it's more about taking into account of resources, user experience, as well as tech limitations at once together.”